Public Access on the Little Belt Bridge

Stair tower and Shielding For Bridgewalking on the Little Belt Bridge

Public access project for security and shielding the staircase tower for Bridgewalking on the Little Belt Bridge.

Little Belt Bridge Mesh Gratings Staircase Walkway 20220621 063526838 Ios
Project Partners
Skærbæk Smede- og Maskingværksted
Public Access
Middelfart, Denmark
Little Belt Bridge


Bridgewalking was inaugurated on 10 May 2015, when Crown Princess Mary took the first walk. Since then, there have been 330,000 visitors, says Lone Skjoldager, Head of Bridgewalking. The purpose of Bridgewalking was to have a touristic beacon that could make the area known and develop tourism. Lone Skjoldager has, among other things, been involved in the project for security and shielding of the staircase tower for Bridgewalking on the Little Belt Bridge.

The Danish contractor Skærbæk Smede- og Maskinværksted was involved from the beginning and carried out the Bridgewalking safety shielding for public access to the bridge. PcP acted as an adviser who was an advantage in securing the project's best solution and as a shielding supplier for the stair tower.


Each project comes with a set of criteria for design, safety, and dimensions according to the applicable norms and requirements. PcP helps match the specified criteria and provides the benefit of our knowledge and expertise. For example, the project team invited PcP to inspect the stairs, and in this connection, it was discovered that stretch metal was used as a safety shield for the stair tower. This solution was to unsafe for public access as it cannot prevent climbing, falling, and sharp edges tourists could cut themselves on. Therefore, the construction has been changed, and thus, improved safety for the tourists has been achieved.
Furthermore, shielding has been constructed at the stair tower and bridge to prevent falls.

- PcP are competent and always has reasonable solutions that can be adapted to any project. Moreover, they are good to work with, says Gert Skov from Skærbæk Smede- og Maskinværksted.

- We take great care in delivering reliable products for tailor-made solutions across industries and applications. From the very first sketch from our designers and subsequent product maturation by our engineers to rigorous tests based on modern safety and production standards, quality is at the centre of everything we do, says Lars Ole Schmidt, Country Manager for PcP Denmark.

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